hello! welcome to my site!! here, you will find my links, blog posts, and everything else that somehow connects back to me!
i have always wanted my own little page on the internet, and when i realized i could teach myself web-design and learn based off of other peoples source code, i started practicing!!
i am for sure a much different person online, than i am in real life. in real life i'm some dumb kid, but on the internet i can be someone that i would look up to; so i like to use the internet to express myself, and my most inner thoughts. i will often use this site to rant, and talk about life.
if anyone i know irl finds this, no you didn't
i enjoy drawing, and i hope i find the time soon to upload some onto here!

more interests!!
i am extremely and have been extremely into many "fandoms" i suppose they are known as. i have been into creepypasta and fnaf since 2014-2015, and have been obsessed ever since.
please know that there might be some slight silliness on my profile.
before you interact
i cuss way more than any one should, i have very strong opinions; thought i will completely respect yours, and i talk about my boyfriend too much