hello! welcome to my site!! here, you will find my links, blog posts, and everything else that somehow connects back to me!
i have always wanted my own little page on the internet, and when i realized i could teach myself web-design and learn based off of other peoples source code, i started practicing!!
i am for sure a much different person online, than i am in real life. in real life i'm some dumb kid, but on the internet i can be someone that i would look up to; so i like to use the internet to express myself, and my most inner thoughts. i will often use this site to rant, and talk about life.
if anyone i know irl finds this, no you didn't
i enjoy drawing, and i hope i find the time soon to upload some onto here!


more interests!!


i am extremely and have been extremely into many "fandoms" i suppose they are known as. i have been into creepypasta and fnaf since 2014-2015, and have been obsessed ever since.
please know that there might be some slight silliness on my profile.


before you interact


i cuss way more than any one should, i have very strong opinions; thought i will completely respect yours, and i talk about my boyfriend too much

vortex's profile!!


use my stamp!!


jeff an ben

i am CONSTANTLY coming up with new ideas for things to add to my website, fun video game ideas, drawings, and more. i blame my dad and the adhd i got from him LMAO.

i journal a lot, and will sometimes update my site with some details and or stories that include things about my personal life. so don't mind how i randomly overshare on here.

ALSO!! i would like to state, if ANYTHING on this website or ANYTHING i say 'upsets' or 'triggers' you, that is one million percent not my problem. you have no buisness telling me, as you decided to click your way onto my website. i don't need you whining about your feelings to me, as i have my own mental health to worry about. you are in control of what you see, and how you choose to percive it; so just keep me out of your issues with me.

if you don't like anything said above, you fully have the right to leave. no one is stopping you.

though, if you agree and would like to stay feel welcome to!! soon enough i will have more to do/add on to, and will be adding video games, music, and a ton more to keep you entertained and your brain stimulated!

dni list;

  • please do not interact with this page if you identify as; a pedophile, a "zoophile", a "map",a "therian", etc. please do not interact if you are; ableist or racist. thank you!! guestbook blinkie